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Introducing the IRSFEM



was established the founding board meeting onAugust26 the, 2014 in Tehran. This is an international association comprising all countries having national federations which recognize Mr. Moeini as the designer and developer of Rug TOOPPA Sports and all subcategories, being committed to the (IRSFEM) Constitution and Regulations. It’s noteworthy that all activities of the federation and branches are based on the registration certificate in the name of EhsanMoeini, and are valid until his registration permits, and all rights are reserved to the heirs after his death. It is significant that the constitution of international federation is authorized to have activity based on Mr,EhsanMoeini’s right for mental, moral, industrial and international properties and patent authorization according to numbers 1-11.

The invention of Invent/Tech American company Re No:825096 on 1 st April of  2005.

Registration of rules and regulations of Rug Football in French SNAC record company, Re No:11-2504 on 8 th Oct of 2011

Invention registration of Administration of Registration of Companies and

Industrial Ownership of Iran,Re No:013080,013081 on 18 th Feb of 2008.

Registration of Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents, Re No: 87/049542/1-86/030411/1-86/015392/1-86/029410/1.

Registration certificate literary and artistic works of Department of Legal

Affairs and Provincial Council Re No: 19479 on 16 th Jan of 2011,National

Monuments Record, Re No: 12708.

Joint stock company of World of RugFootball, Re No:  365519.

The title which is mentioned in the constitution for the inventor of the sport refers to Mr,EhsanMoeini.

Article 2- Aims and objectives

1) To strengthen solidarity and cohesion amongst the peoples of the world through an Iranian sport ,with its message of peace and friendship to the world.

2) To establish a good relationship between the world nations and Rug Toopa sport organizations in the world.

3) To create unified network by gathering world nations in the field of Rug Toopa sport towards world peace and friendship through the healthiest family sport of the century.

4) To strengthen the academic and athletic ability of world nations active in this sport through training courses and research camps in the fields of coaching and refereeing as well as justification courses in seven branches of this sport.

5) To work in line with humanitarian objectives and also to cooperate with other organizations responsible for sport in the world for cultural growth and development of this sport as the healthiest family sport of the century.

6) To research and identify the most modern managerial techniques to improve the management quality in different branches of Rug Toopa Sport and to develop these sciences through publications and holding workshops in nations interested in this sport.

7) To promote it among women interested in this sport in the world.

8) To cooperate continuously with sport organizations to acculturate this sport.

9) To endeavor against social destruction factors particularly drugs, by the healthiest family sport of the century.

10) To transfer the teachings of this sport in line with correct cultural improvement among world nations, and to raise the spirit of chivalry in the world and fight against doping and malicious computer games through the healthiest family sport of the century.

11) To raise the level of physical, mental and spiritual health of the people through standard trainings and holding different games in the world with the approval of Mr. EhsanMoeini as the developer and establisher of this sport in Iran and in the world.

12) To motivate people for benefiting from public sports particularly Rug Toopa Sport.

13) To encourage world tourism industry through the healthiest family sport of the century which is modeled from football as the world’s most popular sport, and to hold great and exciting competitions to attract tourists in countries  member to this Federation with the permission of Mr. EhsanMoeini.

14) To design plans for training courses and to prepare syllabi and to legislate for rules and regulations governing the courses conduction.

15) To study problems and offer proper strategies about Rug Toopa sport in the world.

16) To prepare statistics of athletes, coaches, judges and their rankings in international level in Rug Toopa Sport.

17) To prepare and provide monthly, biannual, and annual statistics and data in international level in Rug Toopa Sport.

18) To coordinate with the media and post timely news and information along with documentation related to Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

19) To prepare activity delivering Bulletins, photos, CDs, and movies about Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

20) To prepare training Brochures, films, and CDs and send to interested countries member in Rug Toopa Sport Federation after approval by Mr. EhsanMoeini and International Federation Board.

21) To anticipate funding for the activities for Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

22) To participate in meetings and seminars and provide reports related to Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

23) To coordinate with sponsors and other business organizations to provide part of the funds needed to implement the programs related to Rug Toopa Sport in  international level.

24) To devise the archives for record-keeping and correspondence related to Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

25) To coordinate with relevant organizations and gain their assistance to Rug Toopa Sport in international level.

Specific Goals of IRTFEM are:

1) To legislate for international rules and regulations for different branches of Rug Toopa Sport and to declare the rules and regulations to member stated with approval of Mr. EhsanMoeini as the developer and designer of Rug Toopa Sport.

2) To encourage development of all branches of Rug Toopa Sport in all countries and to provide support and technical assistance to developing countries.

3) To participate in the development and strengthening of peace and friendship among all athletes and National Federations, and to encourage and support any measure that would help the federation practical goals.

4) To supervise and control athletes through National Federations and affiliated members.

5) To guide on implementing rules and regulations of Rug Toopa Sport competitions other than Olympics, international games, word cups, continental games, and generally all matches being held under the supervision and control of Rug Toopa Federation.

6) To select and put international referees, and to provide required trainings to improve their work and finally to control them.

7) To introduce different branches of Rug Toopa Sport.

8) To support the interests of this sport in International Olympic Committee and other conferences invitations received from to attend.

9) To mediate, arbitrate and make decisions required in all legal disputes and claims

between the member Federations.

10) IRTFEM absolves itself of involvement in the political, religious, gender and

Racial discrimination and is opposed to project such issues in scope of its

International  activities.